Gratitude, Humility and Simplicity

From: Olly Richards14th June 2024Hobbitshire: In the realm not of logic but of wistfulnessI can’t imagine anyone enjoying today’s newsletter.In fact, it’s going to be a bit grim.Stuff

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How to Live Life on First Principles

This post is about how to live the good life as an entrepreneur…By using First Principles to decide how you spend your days.But I’m going to start with

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13 Ways to Practice Non-Attachment

Business advice tends to be all about helping you crush it...Smash it out of the park…Kick ass in the morning and take names in the evening.But there's something

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What Is $10,000/hr Work?

From: Olly Richards19th January 2024Hobbitshire: Freezing my backside offOne of my earliest memories in the online business world was hearing some advice about delegating.The advice went like this:“Stop

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How Should I Spend $300,000?

The other day, I received a message on Telegram: “I’ve built up $300k in cash. I don’t know what to do with it.” I sent my reply in

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Non-Attachment and Business Success

From: Olly Richards18th August 2023116 miles West of Hobbitshire I was talking to a friend the other day who’s on a mission to build a billion-dollar company. “This

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How to Make Better Decisions

Do you know what an entrepreneur does?An entrepreneur makes decisions.Lots of them.Think back to your first couple of years in business – you were probably making 50 small

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35 Business Lessons From My Mentors

One of the reasons I enjoy flying planes, is that it’s damn humbling to be a beginner again. With flying, there’s a lot of information to learn. And

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What’s It All For?

1.Last week, I spent the day at my favorite country hotel in Hobbitshire.It was a Wednesday morning. Don’t judge.Some friends were staying there, so we planned to meet

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How To Build A Business You Love | My Story

I spent the first 7 years of my “career” as a jazz pianist.I spent the next 7 years as an English teacher, traveling the world.After that, I spent

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