Organic vs Paid Traffic: Which Road Should You Take?

From: Olly Richards26th July 2024Hobbitshire: Just finishing a 5-day fastIt’s the perennial dilemma for education entrepreneurs…Should I grow my business with paid ads, or stick with organic content?We

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 A Primer on Angel Investing for Entrepreneurs

Sooner or later in your life as an entrepreneur, you’ll hear these fateful words…“I’ve got this GREAT opportunity!”Somebody’s starting a business…They think you should invest…Go in on it

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Launch Lessons – Business Model Mastery workshop

This is an analysis of my most recent paid workshop - Business Model Mastery.Sales numbers, mistakes made, lessons.Seems you guys REALLY liked the last analysis I did on my hiring

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What Numbers Should I Track In My Online Business?

From: Olly Richards21st June 2024Hobbitshire: What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?Today, I’ll be giving you a complete primer

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Gratitude, Humility and Simplicity

From: Olly Richards14th June 2024Hobbitshire: In the realm not of logic but of wistfulnessI can’t imagine anyone enjoying today’s newsletter.In fact, it’s going to be a bit grim.Stuff

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How to Design & Sell Your Core Offer

One of the things I teach in my $10M Case Study is the concept of a Core Offer.The idea behind the Core Offer is that it’s the ONLY

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10 Tips for Running the Perfect Team Retreat

From: Olly Richards31st May 2024Hobbitshire: Living in a permanent retreat…Every year, I hold a team retreat for my company, StoryLearning.We’re a fully-remote team of 16 core staff, spread

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Launch Lessons – Hiring Mastery Workshop

This is an analysis of my most recent paid workshop - Hiring Mastery.Sales, numbers, mistakes made, etc.I follow a couple of marketers who do this, and I always

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Why Paid Ads Don’t Work for Creator Businesses

From: Olly Richards26th April 2024Hobbitshire: In full bloom (finally!)Today, I thought I’d write about the question of ads.And why ads don’t work for creator businesses.I see the same

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How To Rewire Your Money Brain

From: Olly Richards12th April 2024Hobbitshire: AKA AtlantisThe other day, I was chatting with an entrepreneur about money.He was telling me about his strategy for spending the money he

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